Food PR | The importance of Food and Drink PR


Public relations is one of the most effective and economical ways of marketing any business, and as we have discussed in previous blog posts, the food and drink industry and PR often go hand in hand. At Curzon PR, we have seen first-hand how great PR campaigns can transform the fortunes of Food and Drink companies, and have put together our reasons why Food PR is so important.

1. It Lets People Know You Exist
While it may seem obvious, the fact remains that no one will buy your product if nobody has heard of it. PR is an excellent way to make consumers aware of the fact that your product exists and helps to establish a brand. In particular, PR acts as a great supplement to traditional direct marketing and advertising practices and is crucial to brand recognition, in a modern age when consumers are increasingly savvy as in how to avoid traditional marketing.

2. It Allows You To Control The Narrative Around Your Product
Whether you are an upmarket soft drink company, trying to convince consumers that carbonated drinks can be a high end product or a yoghurt company hoping to extol the health benefits of your product, public relations is an excellent way to go about doing this. Whilst direct advertising is a useful strategy, having your message reiterated in a newspaper article or magazine feature will reinforce the endorsement of your product.

3. It Gives Your Brand More Credibility
Following on from the previous point, having good PR is hugely important to ensure your brand has credibility amongst the public. It is one thing to tell the public that your products are delicious, it is another thing to get them to genuinely believe you when you say it. A positive news story can go great lengths to convincing consumers that you make a product that is worth eating or drinking. It can also influence them to choose your products over those from a rival company

4. Allows You To Connect Your Brand With The Industry’s Tastemakers
The opinions of food journalists and bloggers are of great importance in the food and drink sector, and the thoughts and opinions of these people hold a lot of weight. Having a PR firm is an excellent way of making sure that these tastemakers know about your product sand gives them an opportunity to spread the word about your product. If the quality of your product is something that you truly believe in, a positive review can go a long way to convincing a consumer to select your product the next time they are putting together their shopping lists.

Click here to learn more about What it means to be a Food PR Agency

Curzon PR is a London-based PR firm working with clients globally. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Business Development Team